I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Its always safe to begin with a quote from someone with whom you didn't had the pleasure to be involved in an awkward social meet. I chose Mr. Gogh, more so because he has been dead for past 400 years or more, and so we really are strangers to each other.
These Quotes are like womans anti-ageing cream. One can always use them to hide your own less than average intelligence and inability to come up with something original on your own.
Like all great thinkers before me (You better start believing this), I have spent my time wondering what it takes to come up with such interesting and insightful quotes. And I have reached the conclusion that a 24 oz of bottle of marmalade drunk while doing belly dancing on a new years eve is just the kind of recipe you need to turn your mind inside out to think randomly and combine haphazardly few words to make up a good sentence.
Infact I had made a resolution to try this thing out at the begining of this year. But I cudn't try it as I don't know belly dancing. And I made this particular new year resolution just while writing this blog. But will it be easy then? Most of the things which I would have said have already been stolen from me by the roosevelts and roger rabbit. The only thing which I am left to do now is to quote them saying things which they would have been quoting from my quotes had I been the first one to quote them first. Rammbaa.. karammbaa...
Its a dogs world out there.
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